faceswapped version (or is it the real one? 👻 🧐)

Pawel Sarkowicz

Postdoctoral scholar
Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Waterloo

I'm interested in operator algebras, and often work with a bit of K-theory.

Email: psarkowi@uwaterloo.ca
Office: somewhere on the 6th floor of MC

Here's a CV, I guess. (as of April 2024)


  1. Universal covering groups of unitary groups of von Neumann algebras. arXiv.2408.13710
  2. With Aaron Tikuisis, Polar decomposition in algebraic K-theory. To appear in Journal of Operator Theory. arXiv.2303.16248
  3. Tensorially absorbing inclusions of C*-algebras. Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2024). doi:10.4153/S0008414X24000324
  4. Unitary groups, K-theory and traces. Glasgow Mathematical Journal (2023). doi:10.1017/S0017089523000447